The purpose of the council campership program is to make summer camp available to deserving Scouts who could not otherwise afford the attendance fees. This program is not intended to provide all the camp fees but only to supplement. Paying a Scout’s way to camp is a joint effort of the Unit, the Scout, their family, and the campership program. All details of the application are confidential.
General Information & Instructions:
- Applicants for camperships MUST be a currently registered member of the Great Sky Country Council, BSA. Applications for unregistered persons and applications without proper signatures will be returned to the Unit Committee Chairman.
- The Council Camping Committee is concerned about the individual needs and the Unit's individual evaluation of the Scout for whom this request is made.
- Generally, camperships are limited to no more than 40-50% of the activity cost. Each Scout, his family, and/or his unit should provide a minimum of 50% of the activity cost.
- Camperships are not transferable, refundable and have no cash value.
- Applications must be submitted no later than April 1, 2023. Applications received after April 1st will be reviewed but may not be granted due to limited funds.
- All information in this application will be treated confidentially.
- The ninth part of the Scout Law is "A Scout is THRIFTY." A Scout works to pay his own way. The Council CampingCommittee is very interested in what the Scout has done to assist his family in providing him with this camping experience. This is a character building opportunity for the scout to learn the importance of being THRIFTY.
- Unit Endorsement is extremely valuable to the Council Camping Committee. Failure of the Unit to provide this endorsement may result in the application being denied or delayed until further information can be obtained.
Campership Application